x's and o's to the beekeepers |
when an amazing project wraps I do this: :) !!!! |
PuppetMastering I LOVE BEES was
behold: Jane
McGonigal > !label puppet master creepy !reveal truth
As a designer and community lead for the ILB project, I "played Dana" -- wrote her blog, answered emails, checked her voice mail, sent Aunt Margaret's honey, and in general was responsible for keeping tabs on everything you guys were up to. When Dana disappeared, I got to do other fun stuff, like make puzzles (my favorites: the cootie catcher and the prisoner's dilemma puzzles), help design the live event missions, masquerade as the Operator on gmail, and track and schedule all of the axons. As the official Axon Master, I now know more about payphone locations, quirks, and malfunctions than Ma Bell ever did!
IN PHOTOS: (above) "Dana" (me!) makes labels for Aunt Margaret's honey and prepares to stuff black letters spelling out "i love bees" into the honey jars (a very messy day!) , to send out as the first rabbit hole. (July 2004) (far right) Dana went on a backpacking trip to Asia... and so did I! Her trip: July - October 2004; my trip: May - June 2004. We visited all the same places (Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Singapore), of course. In this photo, I'm becoming invisible at Shibuya crossing. (left) I went as 'I Love Bees' for Halloween, very high concept, no?
I LOVE BEES quicklinks:
if you missed the fun, catch up...
From rabbit-hole start to Puppetmaster-chat finish, this is a great introduction to the project in 13 short news stories spanning 4 months:
Alternate Reality Gaming Network News Coverage
behind the scenes:
transcript of the post-game Puppetmaster chat
Beekeepers (central player forum)
A Guide (collaborative, player-produced)
A Blog (moderated game summary)
I Love Beer (brilliant player-produced satire)